How to watch Step Up Revolution (2012) Movie Online on your iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch? Touch the play icon in the middle of the black screen then wait 10-15 min for stream to load. If you'd like to watch Step Up Revolution 2012 Movie on iPad in full screen mode, please press the small arrow icon in the bottom right hand corner of the player.
This stream is compatible with the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. Stream working or not? Please let us know via comments and be sure to include the device and browser you used. Your comments are really appreciated.
Labels: 2012 Movies, Drama, Music, Romance
Hes name is Shawn ans she calls in john??!!
Won't load all the way.
Anon, refresh the page to load stream and use fast forward to watch end of movie.
Nice but if you put sub will be better
its not trying to work.
Keeps stopping after a minute quite frustrating
It works fine just that it kind of stopped loading near the end. Would be great if subtitles are available. :)
i love this movie, thanks for uploading!
and by the way the movie worked fine.
Awesome movie I had no problems watching it no stopping awesome! And your on my awesome list fo sure
Thank you very much, The quality of the movie is amazing! And by the way I don't think you should upload subtitles, I mean for crying out loud the movies in English, in, English, what more do they want?
it was okay but it stopped a lot it's and that wad kind of frustrating but other than that I loved the movie!!
The movie was gay not because it wouldn't load it works great on iPhone but the scenes had no feelings , no hooks ! The last movies before this one were way better more coronagraphy .
Fantastic movie. Played great til the end. Great sound. Loved it.
Awesome, worked great! Would love to see all Step Up movies, please and thank you! :)
ps- Loved the quality! Favorite thing about your site!!!!!
It's not working for me I really want to see it :(
It's not working
This film is also called Step Up 4: Miami Heat :)
it was wack . it kept stopin close to the middle of the movie , yesterday it was working fine i dont understand -.- oh well . . .
it works for till a certain part then just skips to the end
Its Working . But its Slow . :(
It dosent even load....idk why but all the other movies work fine tho I love this site thank you!
great movie could u add spring breakers
Awesome movie..the BEST and MY FAVORITE STEP UP MOVIE.....love it...and by the way thank u for uploading it..it works fine with me...love it!!!!
awesome love it
A lil' bit Big in size,I mean 996 mb?but still downloaded it cuz' i luv it
Could You Please Upload Fear., With Reese Witherspoon and Mark Wahlberg. I would appreciate it
Hey it shows that its been removed.!
New stream has been added, enjoy watching Step Up Revolution.
Is working but he keep stopping every second
Movie doesn't load when play button is pressed