How to watch Dirty Dancing (1987) Movie Online on your iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch? Touch the play icon in the middle of the black screen then wait 10-15 min for stream to load. If you'd like to watch Dirty Dancing 1987 Movie on iPad in full screen mode, please press the small arrow icon in the bottom right hand corner of the player.
This stream is compatible with the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. Stream working or not? Please let us know via comments and be sure to include the device and browser you used. Your comments are really appreciated.
Could you add the breakfast club and treasure planet
Please ~
could you add Jane Eyre(2011) PLEASE!!! <3
Could you add love & basketball pretty please!
Safari-iPad. Took much longer than 10-15 minutes to load. It kept pausing in between, too. :(
Could you please post bend it like beckham or mean girls
That was a very nice movie, I loved every moment of it. Thank you for uploading.
Cry baby pleaseeeeeee
can you add dirty dancing Havana nights please
could you add Mama mia movie
I've done what the instructions say, it usually works, but I've been waiting for an hour and nothing has happened! Thanks for wasting my time!
Please post the BBC version of Jane Eyre! I love your site so much!