How to watch Ted (2012) Movie Online on your iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch? Touch the play icon in the middle of the black screen then wait 10-15 min for stream to load. If you'd like to watch Ted 2012 Movie on iPad in full screen mode, please press the small arrow icon in the bottom right hand corner of the player.
This stream is compatible with the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. Stream working or not? Please let us know via comments and be sure to include the device and browser you used. Your comments are really appreciated.
Labels: 2012 Movies, Comedy, Fantasy
why was it removed :(
The video hosting website removed it, I have added a new stream.
Where is it now?
Anon, refresh the page and you will see the new stream.
:( it's not buffering properly it keeps pausing so I have to wait in the middle of it
Can you please upload 21 and over and the hangover 1 and hangover 2 please I would really appreciate that and I will recommend this website to all the people I know please
I love it
Thank you for posting this movie I really appreciate it, and I enjoyed the movie
The movie keeps pausing!! Not Good.
Cool site!
The last 20 mins are not there...
Enjoyed, great site!
This is a good site for ted full movie. I liked it.
Kept pausing and playing randomly not great
It always stops.
Please update it. It's annoying watching when it stops.
Keeps stopping.
Very hilarious I regreat I did not went to the cinema to watch it
It has perfect sound but no picture it's like listening to an audio book
Wait for 10-15 Mins? Ain't nobody got time for dat.
I click an advert, then click off the advert, and then I'm able to watch it. Yay.
amazing endding
Plz uploud after earth
great copy even though it keeps on buffering! please please please please with cherries on top admin upload juno and/or the rest of the twilight films .... especially new moon thts my fave (: *hint hint*
cant play it
on ipad, black screen with a play and a cross
Watching on an Ipad using google chrome and played wonderfully, Thank you so much great movie 0% advertisement (That I saw).
Thank you for making this website. It is very helpful and useful. :)
Doesnt work
Thank you so much for this site:)
Why isn't it working?
It's saying blocked from public I can't watch it
Still nothing. :(
Great movie. Could you please upload World War Z and Carrie ? This is such a great website !
Thank you SO much
EXCELLENT !!!! Watched it on iPhone 3GS perfect HD QUALITY... Thanks soooo much
evan almighty! plz!
Its says: sorry i cannot play this video on your phone ��
video is not working. plz fix it. really wanted to watch it. macbook pro
awesome movie worked perfectly fine hey could you add percy jackson sea of monsters
Ted not working plz fix
Where is it :(
I have added a new Ted Stream, please refresh page to see it.
Works fine for me :)
Rawr im a tiger :)
Hey awesome job on this whole blog site but can you ppllleeeessssseee add 21 jump street and all of the transformor movies that would be great thanks :)
How I download