How to watch Remember Me (2010) Movie Online on your iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch? Touch the play icon in the middle of the black screen then wait 10-15 min for stream to load. If you'd like to watch Remember Me 2010 Movie on iPad in full screen mode, please press the small arrow icon in the bottom right hand corner of the player.
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Saddest movie ever!
VERY unexpected/VERY sad beginning & end!
I sound so stupid saying this, but that's the saddest movie I've ever seen!
Completely unexpected. Wonderful. And played wonderful.
One of the most significant movies I have viewed, I remember that day very well.
Im crying right now im so sad but it was a good movie
It reminds you to cherish every moment you have with a loved one cause in a blink of an eye it could all be taken away. Great movie
good movie.. keep on reminding everyone to love each other..love it ::))
So nice movie
I like robert & emilie
Very heart touching story
so sad ending
Please upload mean girls
This is such a sad movie but it is a very significant one. I love it with all my heart, but then I love most movies like this one.
terrific movie.. love this webite.
Thanks so much, don't mean to complain but is there anyway to take subtitles off? I don't really mind, I was just wondering, but I am grateful nonetheless.
Pls upload more movies.
Worked great. I was bored and clicked on this movie to watch it, not having a clue what it was about. All I can say is I'm glad I did.
Doesnt work on safari
It was turning out so great then BAM!- the ending came out of nowhere. Although it was a great movie, I think they could've done better for the ending.
Fuck mann!!! Couldn't it just end when he was lookin through the window, i wana kill the director this son of a bitch :P
I'm not really sure what to make of the ending...it was so sad. It's one of those things that you can't stop thinking about for ages, just because it's so unexpected and so moving.
Omg that is so sad he didn't diserve to die that family has been through so much what next the little girl dies to!!
Oh my god I was not expecting that ..... I get it now and it makes sense ��
Oh my gosh! Now I'm gonna tell you a little story:
I started watching this movie like ok, I watch this 'cos I have heard about it and I don't have anything else to doo. I thought I don't like it 'cos there's Robert (and only I can think is Twilight blaablaa UCH) but that didn't bother me at all. What's more, THE END was soooo touching that I'm ashamed to say this but I cried and I'm surrounded all these mixed feelings wich make me write this (sorry!) But the end was so unexpected, beginning and end so sad! Ok, I'm gonna stop now but THANK YOU ADMIN for you website, without you I would't have seen this movie WICH IS BY THE WAY MY FAVORITE MOVIE NOW! :):):):):):):):):)
I think you mean * favourite
We bought a zoo
Wow...I didn't expected that...very sad.I cried so hard, beautiful movie.
I love this movie!!! ♡♡♡
Wow, it broke my heart when i saw him at the building standing there, waiting for his death. I felt bad for the littler girl ( his sister) and her father (his father) too and his girlfriend.
It doesn't work