How to watch Pitch Perfect (2012) Movie Online on your iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch? Touch the play icon in the middle of the black screen then wait 10-15 min for stream to load. If you'd like to watch Pitch Perfect 2012 Movie on iPad in full screen mode, please press the small arrow icon in the bottom right hand corner of the player.
This stream is compatible with the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. Stream working or not? Please let us know via comments and be sure to include the device and browser you used. Your comments are really appreciated.
Labels: 2012 Movies, Comedy, Music, Romance
Worked perfectly :)
Great, glad to hear Pitch Perfect stream works fine. Thanks for your comment.
Good movie, streaming worked without a hitch, and resolution was good. Thanks for making it possible to watch online.
It buffers a lot :(
denisekay, Thanks for your comment really appreciate it. Anon, it works fine here maybe your connection is slow.
I can't watch.. It keeps on saying request timed out..:(
loved it this is the only site working for me i did not want to download anything it lagged only a few times but that is just because my computer sucks
The play button has a line through it. I can't play the video :(
This site is awesome. Thanks for letting me watch this
You are welcome. Thanks for you comments.
Can you do water for elephanta
Best film ever
There is a line across the play button...HELP
Can you have high school musical pls
Thanx it works good
I love this movie
Used galaxy 3s worked perfectly
arrg it worked at my friends house but now it wont!!!!!! (kindle fire hd 7")
it pops up that the video is unable to play even though i watched the first tid bit at a friend's.....
p.s. i absolutely love this movie!!! its so a-ca-hilarious
It does actually
None of these movies work on a Samsung Galaxy Chat :'(
love it!
The play button has a slash across it!
Works great and took about 3 minutes to load
Used Samsung Note 2
Loved it!! It worked perfectly!! I've watched this movie I can't tell you how many times on this website! Thank you for making it possible to watch with no downloads!! Do you think you could add a few more movies like Brides Maids? I love this website!
Can you please add bridesmaids?
I can hear the movie clearly but I can't see any picture/film :(
thankyou, you made my day :) using ipad 3
It was buffering few times but it works perfectly I'm so glad I got things I gotta watch this movie I've been waiting a long time.
Warm bodies and in time please.it the best!
This site is awesome! Really made my day. . Two thumbs up to the admin/admins!!
It won't let me play just has the play sign crossed out
Can you post all three cheetah girls movies please?
Works good on kindle fire
Works perfectly tysm
This movie is the best ever thx for posting it loved it keep adding more great movies, it worked perfect!!
It always stops at 30:00 minutes exactly and I can't get it to play.
Yeah can u put high school musical on here?
It went let me play this on my iPad 3 which is a shame :(
Greatest movie no buffering 100% worth it keep up the good work
yeah stops at 30 minutes for me too.
Perfect I used kindle fire
Best website evaaaaa!!!!
It buffers a lot even though i have a strong internet connection!!!!help!!!!
It stopped at 30 mins and skipped to the end help please
Wonderful!!!thank you sooo much to the people who made Pitch perfect possible to watch for free on the Ipad!!!!! I LOVE SKYLAR ASTIN!!!!!!!!!!
Can you please upload The Perks of Being a Wallflower ? Thank you :)
Pitch perfect is awesome. I love this movie better than any musical movie ever!!. Thx this website for sharing this movie <3<3 although, it buffering sometimes
I love this movie it is brilliant I would recommend this to anyone x :-)
Itit works perfect can you do oz the great and powerful please
thanks for the movies. i love it. more new movies admin, more horror and action
Works on Samsung Galexy s4. Doesnt load after paused for a few minutes though.
I am pressing the play button but the movie just don't start........it eventually started but there is no video only audio...can anyone plzz help me
Yes it did
films shit, seen better like persific rim! omg thats an amazing film
Only played part of movie. Disappointing
I freakin. Love this film! Worked perfectly! Used ipad 2
It's been removed from public access :(
Nooo its been removed. Iv watched it before and it worked perfectly. :(
It's been removed :|
why the hell did they remove the movie it's not fair
Dudes why did you remove the video?!?!?!?!??!!?? It was like my fav movie ever.... UGH and with all capitol letters to UGH! So not cool yo. But this site is still awesome keep on doin to thang
Doesn't work anymore.
It has been removed??? Aww man :(
Why has it been removed? When I had nothink to do this was the first thing to look at and it always made me happy watching this film. No its been removed! Although this website is amazing why did it get removed!
This is the only site i knew that works best with my ipad coz i dont need to download. I love ur site. Please upload more videos. Could u add the dictator? :)
Works perfectly, love it, watched it at least 7 times �� thanks alot!
Why the subtitles? There should be an option on mobile devices to turn the subtitles off
I watched this before and there weren't any subtitles... why not? Seriously? :(
The new stream is with subtitles. Hopefully soon I will find a new one without subtitles.
All movies work well but I think there should be new movies to pick from as well. There are hardly any movies to pick from
It works but I wish the video was hd and there were no subtitles
can you add the mortal instruments: city of bones??
Usually works but today it dosent
(iPad 3)
Worked well here. Great feel good movie. Android phone.
it buffers every second
Ahh i love this movie! And i know this is probably getting annoying since everyone is saying this, but could you please add the mortal instruments:city of bones
could you please add Letters to Juliet, and Midnight in Paris? thanks :)
i would really appreciate it if you add Easy A and Wild Child... also, please try to update your site for at least every month so we could watch more movies (just a suggestion ;)). THANK YOU SO MUCH
Refresh the page if it doesnt work. :)
maybe this is already getting pretty annoying, but could you PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE! add The Mortal Instruments: City of Bones? every site i visit, it either needed downloading or signing up. im obviously desperate
It was working perfectly until it hit roughly about the fifty minute mark, then it skipped to the end. :(
could u plz add 'the heat'? me and my friend are so excited to watch it :)
Worked fine, subtitles are way too big took up most of tbe screen, I had to turn it off... I love this movie
Subtitles were blocking >< It didn't have subtitles the last time :P Other than that, AWESOME :D
Could you upload the movie Penelope (2006) pretty pretty please!
is there a version without subtitles? this one works well but the subtitles are quite annoying when not needed
Thanks for this! Please add Warm Bodies next!
This website is great!
Thank u for leting us all watch moives on this website! It is awesome and work perfectly
Worked great except 4 volume was low even when wuz turned up all the way.Can u PLEASE put VAMPIRES SUCK MOVIE thanku.
How can i delete the subtitles?
How do you turn off the subtitles?
Its not working on my ipad can you please fix that
Wait about 10 minutes & it usually doesn't
This works PERFECTLY and I'm using a nook!
What other movies do you want me to put on this website?
1. Pitch Perfect 2
2. The hunger games
3. Blended
Vampires suck movie!!!
Best show of all time!!!
can you please put Pitch perfect 2