How to watch Twilight (2008) Movie Online on your iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch? Touch the play icon in the middle of the black screen then wait 10-15 min for stream to load. If you'd like to watch Twilight 2008 Movie on iPad in full screen mode, please press the small arrow icon in the bottom right hand corner of the player.
This stream is compatible with the iPad, iPhone and iPod Touch. Stream working or not? Please let us know via comments and be sure to include the device and browser you used. Your comments are really appreciated.
Labels: Drama, Fantasy, Romance
Your the Best! It works on here for my device and it's an awesome movie so ya'll come check it out!
Thank you so much for listening to us all even though you probably don't get a thing out of this site :) God Bless
I am glad to hear this stream works on your device. All movies on this blog should work on iPad, iPohne, iPod and computers (laptop and pc) as well. Have a good day everyone.
Plz post the Harry potter movies!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Works on the nook, too, which is pretty awesome, plus he/she is right you probably don't get a thing
out of this site (except for advertising money) god bless you!
Works on tablets?
I have no idea if it works on tablets or not. You may want to give it a try and let me know if it works. Thanks.
There is no play botton on my nook! And I really want to watch this movie
It kept on stopping so I had to click the play button a million times:(
it does not work on tablets.it says no video supported format and mime type found.
Anon, I haven't tested it on tablet but this stream works on my ipad.
Worked great on my samsung tablet. Thanks!
Thank you!!! It works!
I am glad to hear stream works fine. Thanks for confirming and I hope you all had a great weekend.
luv this thank you so much for putting this up for viewers on iPad and iphone. I am on my iPad and it works PERFECT!
It took me 3 days to watch this movie. Good thing I have patience. Next time I'm buying it. Movie would only load 30 seconds at a time. Using an iPhone.
It plays on samsung galaxy tab 2
these bitches skipped school! they making me jealous! lol
In Some parts I couldn't hear anything. Otherwise it was great!
It works on my blackberry playbook but it just takes time to load :-) Overall thank you for posting this movie I've been dying to watch it >.<
Edward Cullen <3333 aka Robert Pattinson grew so much from this movie to Breaking Dawn I love Twilight, before I really disliked it but that was probably because I didn't know much about their chemistry x3 Thanks for your upload :D
I really really hate that there's subtitles. Can you do something about that?
Won't load on my ipad
It keeps buffering or stopping every like 2 seconds on my iPad 2 it's really annoying even after I leave it for like 30 minutes its only good for like 2 minutes what can I do about the buffering?
Can you post Vampires Suck? I've been wanting to watch it for a very long time.
Don't like how it has the subtitles :-(
This works great on samsung galaxy tablet 2!
Can you please put the other twilight movies on here?
Are you going to be posting "Man Of Steel" soon?
Works great, thanks so much.... Please please put new moon and ellipse on here, your the best.
For those that have buffering problems, just pause it for a few mins and let it "catch up" :)
This is the second time watching, the volume dips sometimes, but other than that it's great on myy ipadd2
Amazing! ! And I agree Harry Potter movies anyone?
It doesn't have sounds
will someone list the twilight movies in order
only way for me to watch this movie from my laptop is from the iphone stream, thats kinda strange....
Followed instructions, just constantly pauses no matter what. Are you reading any of the comments my more? Very frustrating.
not loading....
doesnt work
It works but after every 1 minute it starts loading for longer than it plays
Order for twilight movies:
New Moon
Breaking dawn part 1
Breaking Dawn part 2
I've waited for at least 20 minutes on my iPad mini and the loading button hasn't moved an inch!
What the heck?!
There's a slash through the play button, what's wrong with it? On ipad 2
You have to type free movies online for iPad mini when you first enter safari
It keeps stoping every 5 minutes will you plz reload it on because this is just stupid.P.s. This is on my iPad 2 so plz just fix it I'm not trying to be mean or anything just fix it. And add all of the scary movies. Scary movie 1,2,3,4, and 5.
This movie was great. Thanks for posting it. Could you please put new moon and eclipse on here too! If you could remove the subtitles it would be great. Thanks. :-)
Works fine on my galaxy player, buffers alot but it's okay :P
It works great. Can you please put the perks of being a wallflower too? That would be soo awesome!! Thanks ;)
Can you put twilight saga new moon and eclipse plz thank you
Great movie. But can you please upload some more twilight movies.
Can you upload teen movies. Please.
It's taking forever to watch plus there are a lot of pause it kinda sucks with the pauses but it's okay
Yeah ^ It pauses alot.
omg ty ty tytyty so much for uploadin!! wanted to watch twilight for years n finally found a site with it w/o download or any crap. jus wish it wudv been a lil smoother n less pauses(:
its absolutely horrible. i let it load for almost 30 minutes and it pauses 5 minutes i pressed play. please read the comments and improve of the load speed.
Why did it show a play sign cancelled?
This thingy sucks. The movie has to reload every minute.
OMG! It only took like 15 seconds to fully load on my laptop. It is a Windows 8 if any of you lovely people would like to try this method instead. Good Luck!
Love it! Thanks so much!! I experienced no problems whatsoever and watched the whole movie through on my laptop without it buffering!
Special thx to the comment above me ^
Hey there....thanks for the site....n request you if you could add princes diaries series alo ♥♥♥
I have watched this movie five times on my iPad and it worked ok , I don't like , but can handle , the subtitles , it take ALOT of patience but ........thank you
Warriors heart
Plzz can u upload Warriors Heart fanksx
Not workingggg
It was removed I wanna cry!! :,(
Angelina, I have added a new stream.